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Javier Fernandez, Managing Partner



"The industrial sector is facing a new reality marked by uncertainty. The sharp drop in demand in activities linked to production has led to unprecedented adjustments in supply chains and cash flow strains. Health and safety measures have also affected world logistics flows and exports, particularly impacting productions based on Lean and JIT systems.

The move to the "new normal" is different for each sector and economy. While China advances more rapidly, North America and Europe are finding it difficult to adapt their production system to the current market conditions. While industries such as the automotive and aeronautics are severely affected, others such as the pharmaceutical, energy and the environment are growing exponentially. They all share the need to strengthen operations and build resilience for the future. Technology and digitalisation, as well as the flexibility and speed to onboard talent, have evolved from being competitive advantages to becoming indispensable tasks to survive in the “new normal”."


Aerospace & Defense

Carlos Suárez, Managing Director

Aerospace & Defense

"We lare living in an unprecedented reality in the world of aeronautics. From the end of the A380 production to the forced grounding of the 737 MAX global fleet that leaves the North American giant in a deep crisis. The onset of the pandemic, which has plummeted global air traffic, forcing fleets of aircraft fleet to be grounded indefinitely and to prematurly retire the oldest ones. Faced with a scenario in which the business may not recover its level of activity until 2023, the chain reaction affects airlines, aircraft manufacturers, engine manufacturers, OEMs and the supply chain. Production adjustments and workforce reduction measures respond to needs and will lead to a restructuring of the sector. However, the field of defence creates new opportunities with significant technological and industrial challenges. The new European programs such as EUROMALE and FCAS are the main exponents of this new scenario of defence cooperation in the European market.In this context, efficiency and talent within organizations will be the key to their survival and success.”

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Jesus de Isidro, Managing Director


"The Infrastructure sector has always followed a traditional model. However, for over a decade it has been introducing critical and important changes. Numerous Spanish companies have been able to take advantage of the challenges facing diversification and internationalization, leading the management of infrastructures around the world. The future challenges awaiting are enormous. The organization of this geographical distribution and of activities increasingly construct larger projects in more complex sites. Contracts require more exhaustive monitoring, more demanding cash tracking and much more efficient cost control.Digital transformation is a key element in organizations that already offer the use of drones and new technologies. The monitoring of these large projects require extensive data management, connectivity of materials and equipment, robotics and AI, mobility, 3D printing and new BIM planning models. This unstoppable change requires fitting profiles and specialized talent adapted to this new fast-growing reality."

Energía sostenible


Juan Pablo López, Managing Director


"The urban public services sector continues to develop itself further. When looking at the growth from these past years, mainly in the areas of water, environment, energy and mobility. It is a dynamic sector that requires the new specialists to be able to adapt quickly to new circumstances.The current pandemic situation has presented itself with new challenges for the companies that provide these services, which have had to adapt their procedures to the new situation, guaranteeing the provision of services with the corresponding quality and with the security that is required for the new conditions. The global leadership of our companies and their international growth, along with the resilience of the sector that attracts investors and funders, technological advances and the higher qualification of the staff required, makes the search for talent and business organization essential requirements to survive, continue growing and lead the market.”

Jesús Garrán, Managing Director


"The speed and expansion in the world of technology is unstoppable,  we are seeing the establishment of technologies that will take us to another dimension: 5G, Cloud, Metaverse, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Edge Computing , Digital Twin, Cybersecurity, etc. The sector is growing above the rates of 2019, prior to the pandemic that we have suffered during 2020 and 2021. Being the great detonant of advances for society such as teleworking, digital transformation or applied technology to achieve the objectives of sustainability. In addition, Spain is eye catching.  Corporations that establish the development HUB, large companies that settle in Spain to develop their global business. Having highly qualified professionals,  flexible incorporation models, will help turning the scenario into a reality. What we cannot allow is that the risks; which is the lack of resources, prevents us from achieving the objectives."​


Aerospace & Defense
Energía Medio Ambiente & Agua


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